After you show... revise, re-vamp, repeat!




But now what?

Thoughts after the Choreography Workshop Showing on Sept. 9th

We made it!

But, now what? How do process the process? What do we think about our work? Will we do it again? What would we do differently? What did we enjoy? What didn't go well?

So many questions after we premiered our work on Sept. 9th at the Zorongo Open House. Eight women presented work in front of friends, family, and strangers and the feeling of openness and warmth was very apparent from the audience. They wanted us to succeed and they wanted to love it. Pretty nice situation for us choreographer and performers, I have to say!

I really enjoyed watching each of my friends share themselves. First, we entered a fish market and watched unrequited love unfold. Then, we died and became concrete, then came back to life. We watched as a white cloth became a veil, a blanket, fireworks, and then ashes. We were enchanted by a singer/dancer who seemed to know it all about love. We listened to the birds, and then decided to join them! We found strength in symbolism and storytelling, and we also found it in each other. And lastly, we fed the audience!

And yet, with such a feeling of success, it always leaves you wishing for more. So, we talked about how we can expand our pieces. I know that for me, a missing element is a musician onstage with me, as that's how I normally work these days. I'm not much for recorded music, so I think I'd like to expand by adding a piece of folk music performed live. I'm excited to explore it more (and really hope I can find the time to do so...)

That is the biggest challenge for me, to be honest. I find it hard to set aside time for myself to work on my own things especially when I'm in the middle of one, two, or maybe three (four?!?) shows. And work and school. And maintaining a new relationship with my dear husband, family and friends. It's so hard to carve out that time. 

So, send me positive thoughts as we all embark on our efforts to revise, revamp, and repeat the experience of showing our work!